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For close to 40 years, APCC services have been provided FREE to the community. APCC will continue to support its community for years to come because the need for help by women and men experiencing unplanned pregnancies will continue to remain. 

In 2024, our goal is to expand our services to assist clients with tangible and intangible support for up to two years after their baby is born. To adequately do this, we plan to add 1,750 additional square feet for the following:

1. Teaching Space:

Have you ever read the following? “SPACE IS LIMITED”. Space is definitely limited in our current office. We hold a weekly bible study/life skills class in our lobby for clients and their families and at times our little lobby is full. The new Teaching Space is triple the size of our lobby and will permit us to not only hold the bible study/life skills class, comfortably but will also give us space to partner with community leaders to conduct seminars with clients on topics such as parenting, budgeting, communication, healthy relationship and more. There will also be a little kitchenette in the Teaching Space because clients are fed lunch when they attend the weekly bible study/life skills class.

2. Childcare Space:

Many of our clients have children who are not yet in school. This may prevent clients from attending the bible study and special seminars we have planned for them. We also realized that if our clients are to be successful parents they need to have time away from the hustle and bustle of life so they can be informed, encouraged, and uplifted without any distractions. The Childcare Space will allow clients to bring their children with them to class. While the client is being rejuvenated, there will be loving APCC volunteers caring for their children in the Childcare Space nearby.

3. Bathroom Updates:

There is a bathroom in the new office space that needs to be touched up a bit to accommodate clients and their children.

4. Grace’s Closet Expansion:

Expanding our program up to two years from birth will require more space and our on-site pantry of baby items, Grace’s Closet, to expand its “merchandise” to adequately meet the needs of babies, toddlers, and children. In addition to the items already provided to clients, we will need to provide toys, books for parents to read to their children, and clothing for children from birth up to two years of age.

5. Workstation #1 and Workstation #2:

As previously stated, our “SPACE IS LIMITED” in our current office. We have great volunteers but we need more space to adequately host them for them to contribute their time and talents to APCC. Workstation #1 and Workstation #2 will provide adequate space for volunteers to help our staff with their workload. But even better, Workstation #1 and Workstation #2 will allow APCC to be a one-stop shop for clients to access Licensed Practical Counselors and other community agencies at one central location.

Client Testimonials:

“APCC has given me the ability to look at my situation as a blessing and not to stay stuck in my emotions and not do things the world says they should be. Also, the information provided is so awesome. Just when I thought I knew enough haha. I am so thankful!”

“APCC has provided me love, care, and assistance in my time of need as a pregnant mom. They have given me resources, clothes for my baby, and endless support. I am very grateful.” 

“My life changed since I got here because they helped me with groceries and they educated me about the baby phases until birth, and I feel so happy with all they have been for me. I feel free to talk about my feelings my problems and my baby. Thank you so much!

Know my state.
Know my options.


What Are the Types of Abortion?

There are two major types of abortion. We offer more information about abortion and to discuss risks thoroughly before you make a decision. Know the facts.

Is Adoption for Me?

Are you considering the option of adoption? As the birth mother, you choose the adoption plan you’re comfortable with and the adoptive family.

Do I Need An Ultrasound?

If you received a positive pregnancy test and your results are confirmed, an ultrasound is needed. Ultrasounds provide crucial information about your health, well-being, and options for your pregnancy in the decision process.