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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

It’s impossible to predict how a woman will respond mentally to experiencing an abortion. While some women may feel relief and move on with their lives, others may struggle with overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, loss, and sadness. The mental health effects of abortion can occur immediately after an abortion or may surface months or

What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

Your world may feel like it has stopped when you learn you’re pregnant, especially if it is unplanned. You may wonder what pregnancy options are available, including abortion. It is vital to understand the different side effects and risks associated with abortion so you can make an informed decision.  Two procedures are offered: medical abortion

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Both medical and surgical abortion carry associated risks to the woman. Understanding these risks can help you weigh your decision to determine if abortion is right for you.  To better understand all your options regarding the outcome of your pregnancy, including abortion methods, schedule a free options counseling appointment with A Pregnancy Center and Clinic.

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What Are the Types of Abortion?

There are two major types of abortion. We offer more information about abortion and to discuss risks thoroughly before you make a decision. Know the facts.

Is Adoption for Me?

Are you considering the option of adoption? As the birth mother, you choose the adoption plan you’re comfortable with and the adoptive family.

Do I Need An Ultrasound?

If you received a positive pregnancy test and your results are confirmed, an ultrasound is needed. Ultrasounds provide crucial information about your health, well-being, and options for your pregnancy in the decision process.