apt cta

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Ministry Purpose: This position plays a significant role in achieving the center’s religious mission and, thus, has a ministry purpose. Every staff member and volunteer shall serve this purpose in their job and, in doing so, be in an active ministry position with the center.

Objectives of the position:  The Nurse Manager oversees the provision of patient care

and medical services operations and performs patient care, under the license and direction of the Medical Director (MD).

Reports to:  Executive Director and Medical Director

Supervises:  All volunteer staff assisting the program

Status: 31 Hours a week (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays-Thursdays; 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Fridays)

Religious Qualifications

  1. Be a committed Christian who demonstrates a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord
  2. Agrees with and abides by the center’s Statement of Faith, Mission Statement, and Code of Christian conduct
  3. Expresses a sincere desire to reach and help at-risk patients considering abortion
  4. Believes in the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception through natural death
  5. Has a sincere, mature faith and can competently share the gospel
  6. Regularly attends a Christian church
  7. Exhibits strong interpersonal, spiritual, and administrative skills, takes initiative, and is flexible

Minimum Qualifications: 

  1. Exhibit strong commitment and dedication to sexual purity.
  2. Must possess a current nursing license and function in accordance with the licensing board of their state.
  3. Ideally, have two years of experience in a pregnancy center or OB/GYN office.
  4. Demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of pregnancy, abortion, and related health issues.

Essential Functions:

Perform the following duties in accordance with existing medical policies and procedures under the authority and direction of the Medical Director.

1. Patient Care

  • Provide clinical services in accordance with level of expertise and training
  • Thoroughly explain all medical consent forms to patients, and answer questions prior to providing any medical services.
  • Document patient care in chart and properly maintain and archive patient medical records.
  • Provide patient with health education (pregnancy decision options, STIs, etc.), referrals for medical care/follow-up, and other pertinent community referrals.
  • Review patient record for completeness (all necessary forms present) and signatures
  • Conduct phone follow-up with patients, as indicated.
  • Discuss clinical questions, as needed, with the MD.
  • Meet with MD regularly (at least monthly) for ongoing clinical supervision and guidance.
  • Provide Limited Obstetrical Ultrasounds (not needed at this time, but maybe a possibility in the future)
  • Provide support to the other medical staff, including chaperoning.

2. Medical Services Operations

  • Assure accurate implementation of MD’s orders.
  • Audit patient records quarterly.
  • Maintain staff medical records.
  • Provide in-service education to staff, as needed.
  • Assist Executive Director in implement clinic policies and procedures (P&P), including compliance with OSHA, CLIA, privacy practices, and infection control.
  • Conduct annual review of P&P and infection control regulations in conjunction with the MD.
  • Orient new medical staff to clinic duties and responsibilities, and provide on-going supervision to any nurses, medical assistants, or phlebotomists.
  • Conduct annual evaluations of nurses, nurse assistants, medical assistants, etc.
  • Coordinate medical staff schedules.
  •  Ensure that medical equipment is properly operated and maintained.
  • Conduct regular medical supply inventory and ensure that the clinic is properly stocked.
  • Ensure proper disinfection of medical equipment and the exam room.
  • In conjunction with the Medical Director, ensure the OSHA orientation of all new personnel, annual refreshers, and monitor facility compliance.

3. Emergencies

  • Follow guidelines for responding to emergencies and unusual ultrasound findings as specified in the P&P manual.

4. Continuing Education:

5. Religious Responsibilities and Duties

  • Upholds the center’s policies and procedures, especially the religious principles in the Statement of Faith and the Code of Christian conduct.
  • Supports the religious mission of the center and regularly encourages the spiritual growth of staff, volunteers, clients, and supporters.
  • Reinforces the humanity and value of the unborn child with patients, their guests, staff, and others.
  • Shares the gospel of Jesus Christ with clients/patients and prays with them, as appropriate.
  • Provides spiritual guidance to staff, volunteers, and clients/patients
  • Leads staff (or participates) in shared prayer and devotions regularly.
  • Mentor’s clients in biblical parenting
  • Leads client bible studies

The Nurse Manager receives an annual evaluation by the Medical Director

regarding medical matters and an evaluation by the Executive Director

regarding center operational matters.

Know my state.
Know my options.


What Are the Types of Abortion?

There are two major types of abortion. We offer more information about abortion and to discuss risks thoroughly before you make a decision. Know the facts.

Is Adoption for Me?

Are you considering the option of adoption? As the birth mother, you choose the adoption plan you’re comfortable with and the adoptive family.

Do I Need An Ultrasound?

If you received a positive pregnancy test and your results are confirmed, an ultrasound is needed. Ultrasounds provide crucial information about your health, well-being, and options for your pregnancy in the decision process.