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If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, it’s important to understand how abortion can affect your body so you can make an informed decision for your health.

Keep reading to learn about the potential physical risks associated with abortion. If you prefer to speak with someone directly about your pregnancy and explore your options, contact us at A Pregnancy Center and Clinic for a free, confidential appointment.

Physical Risks of Abortion

There are two main types of abortion: medical (often referred to as the “abortion pill”) and surgical.

Medical Abortion

A medical abortion is typically done at home. It involves taking two drugs that work together to end a pregnancy and expel it from your uterus.

After taking the pills, you will likely experience cramping in the stomach area and vaginal bleeding. However, medical abortion may also come with additional risks, including:

  • The body not releasing all pregnancy tissue in the uterus, also called an incomplete abortion. This may require surgical abortion.
  • An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work.
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Fever.
  • Digestive symptoms such as upset stomach.

Surgical Abortion

A surgical abortion is performed in a clinic. This procedure requires dilating your cervix to allow medical instruments, such as suction devices and scraping tools, to enter your uterus and remove the pregnancy.

Potential risks of surgical abortion include:

  • Uterine perforation (where an instrument creates a hole in the uterus)
  • Uterine scarring, which may lead to painful periods, future miscarriages, or fertility issues
  • Infection
  • Cervical damage

Get Support

If you have concerns or want more information about these procedures and their risks, consider scheduling a free appointment with our compassionate team at A Pregnancy Center and Clinic to discuss your options.

We also offer pregnancy services to help equip you with the information you need about your pregnancy.

Reach out to us today to make a free appointment. 

*All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

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Know my options.


What Are the Types of Abortion?

There are two major types of abortion. We offer more information about abortion and to discuss risks thoroughly before you make a decision. Know the facts.

Is Adoption for Me?

Are you considering the option of adoption? As the birth mother, you choose the adoption plan you’re comfortable with and the adoptive family.

Do I Need An Ultrasound?

If you received a positive pregnancy test and your results are confirmed, an ultrasound is needed. Ultrasounds provide crucial information about your health, well-being, and options for your pregnancy in the decision process.